Sunday, December 25, 2005

Lessons I Learned from Bon Jovi

We saw Bon Jovi on Thursday night, in New Jersey - it was a hometown concert. My in laws LOVE Bon Jovi and my fondest memories are the Slippery When Wet Album in '86...When mullets were in for the first time.

However, in preparation for the Thursday night concert Megan and i purchased the "Have A Nice Day" Album and have really enjoyed it. Additionally, It has been ages since I have been to a live concert. Anyway, it was a brilliant night and in the process my head got to thinking about influence and longevity; here are my brief reflections:

They have stayed true to their purpose: Bon Jovi have been a Rock & Roll Band from the start, that's all they have tried to be, and they are good at it.

The sum of the whole is greater than the parts: Every part of the band are excellent musicians in their own right but as a Band [Team] they are incredible. For example, Richie Sambora is probably a better musician than Bon Jovi but together they can do more than they can apart, I like to call it having a strong number 2

Their influence is global & generational: I watched kids sing songs written before they were born, and my in laws are both 29 and they knew the songs as well. I watched right in front of my eyes the creative reengineering of a purpose and vision that has kept up with a world that is vastly different to when they started.

They are committed to creative excellence: Over 25 years they have stayed a team and stayed on the front foot in their presentation, their songwriting and their live performances. On this occasion they performed for 2 1/2 hours - great value.

Whichever way you look at it, whatever you think about Bon Jovi, I was inspired at a group of people who have held fast to their purpose for 25 years, seen the development of the gifts and contribution of the team and still influence the world - that in and of itself is worth reflection.

Check them out at Bon Jovi

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