Saturday, December 31, 2005

Niagara Falls - Room View

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Downtown Manhattan from Empire State Building

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Uptown Manhattan from Empire State Building

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This is for Sophie Kerlin

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Please don't tell Mark Cotter what his present is...


Found this on the streets of NYC, you can get designer bags and watches too....they said they would post the warranty :) Posted by Picasa

Central Park - Final Day in NYC

What follows is a brief photographic essay I have called the "Central Parkhives" 843 ingenious acres of Parkland that has been developed for the enjoyment of all maintained. Vision, foresight and determination saw this project last more than 14 years to completion - we saw but a fraction.

Strawberry Fields @ W72 & 6th


This garden is directly opposite the Dakota Apartments where John Lennon was gunned down in 1980 Posted by Picasa

The Kidnap Scene from Ransom [Boathouse in background]

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Park Underground

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Wollman Ice Rink by Day

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The Most Romantic Bridge in Central Park

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Central Park Duck

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Central Park @ 5th & 59th

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Are you getting the message yet Brad?

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Wednesday, December 28, 2005

It's Channukkah in NYC


As we got off the 59th Street Subway we were met by some zealous orthodox young Jewish men. He looked straight at me and asked "Are you Jewish?" I said "No, I am a Christian, but if I wasn't I would be a Jew" We then had one of many conversations you can have in a city like this [I also met Michael Manza who did the Special Effects lighting for scenes of Shrek 2 and the Lord of the Rings]. I find Judaism one of the most fascinating faiths of all for both my own personal connections to it and its closeness to my own deep Christian Faith - this was a really enjoyable 10 minutes. You can learn more about the festival by clicking here What is Channuka? Posted by Picasa

Wollman Ice Rink - Central Park

We did it, I wish I could describe how it feels to tick off dreams in your head, it's is a wonderful feeling to be able to see, feel and experience things that for many years you have dreamed about doing.

Boxing Day night, 9.30pm, we took the subway to 59th and 6th, walked through to the Wollman Ice Rink and a dream came true...We skated, held hands & kissed in a magnificently beautiful setting. There were moments where I just forced myself to look around to make sure I was taking in as much as I could!

I have included the best shots of the evening, enjoy.

Wollman RInk by Night [26/12/05 in Sepia]

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Wollman Rink by Night [26/12/05]

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Skating Sisters

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Are we having fun yet?

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Daddy's Little Girls

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