Saturday, April 16, 2005

Death makes me think about life...

I had to perform a funeral this week. They are challenges in one way but in another they are privileges. How many people get to stand with, comfort and support, help farewell and care for a loved one?

No matter which way you look at it, losing a loved one is a tragedy and you NEVER really seem ready for it, especially if the loved one is taken from you suddenly and you are left wondering.

Death makes me think about life, my life. How am I doing? Being a faithful husband, good worker? Productive part of the world? What about the rest of my life? (however long that might be); What about ETERNITY - death makes me think about death too and eternity, God and other stuff. Death invades my life and in a sense forces me to ask questions that I know intuitively are already there but at moments like these they have a voice.

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