Monday, April 18, 2005

BAYSIDE LIVE// Has begun!

We have made history! BAYSIDE LIVE// has begun - We are so grateful to God and to the magnificent team that made it happen.

As a leader how do you reflect on something like this? For my part it's with gratitude and humility. What God has accomplished through HIS people is absolutely incredible, it astounds me to see how many people continued faithful in prayer before the lead up to a venue being secured and the first service starting. Michael's unending faith and optimism that it can be accomplished. The emerging and wonderful leadership that Kon shows, the dreams being fulfilled by Kathleen and Jade, Julie's commitment to the kids, Jane's to new people, Jean Marc and Vincent to a great Venue, John and Nick in logistics, Noelle and Suzanna - thanks! Bronnie and Jeff, your support and belief in BAYSIDE LIVE// is fuel, thanks Brian for pulling it all together, YOU GUYS ARE MANY MORE ARE AMAZING.

This is what is so humbling about BAYSIDE LIVE// The amazing people making it happen.

We have a significant opportunity ahead of us, to serve and influence the St George/Rockdale area. Let's continue to believe for a fantastic season!


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