Monday, April 18, 2005

BAYSIDE LIVE// Has begun!

We have made history! BAYSIDE LIVE// has begun - We are so grateful to God and to the magnificent team that made it happen.

As a leader how do you reflect on something like this? For my part it's with gratitude and humility. What God has accomplished through HIS people is absolutely incredible, it astounds me to see how many people continued faithful in prayer before the lead up to a venue being secured and the first service starting. Michael's unending faith and optimism that it can be accomplished. The emerging and wonderful leadership that Kon shows, the dreams being fulfilled by Kathleen and Jade, Julie's commitment to the kids, Jane's to new people, Jean Marc and Vincent to a great Venue, John and Nick in logistics, Noelle and Suzanna - thanks! Bronnie and Jeff, your support and belief in BAYSIDE LIVE// is fuel, thanks Brian for pulling it all together, YOU GUYS ARE MANY MORE ARE AMAZING.

This is what is so humbling about BAYSIDE LIVE// The amazing people making it happen.

We have a significant opportunity ahead of us, to serve and influence the St George/Rockdale area. Let's continue to believe for a fantastic season!


Sunday, April 17, 2005

Saturday, April 16, 2005

Our first Extension Service begins 17 April

After 12 months planning we are launching our first Extension Service - a third morning service of Shire Christian Centre with a specific aim to serve and influence the St George/Rockdale area.

BAYSIDE LIVE// has been born - firstly in our hearts and minds and after today and tomorrow, with the hard work of a magnificent group of people committed to serving and influencing this area.

I for one am personally excited at the fantastic team, Kon's great leadership and the enthusiasm and faith with which we have approached the preparation. What follows is a brief photo essay:


BAYSIDELIVE// @ St George PCYC 10am Sundays

It doesn't get better than doing life together

Roh & Kon - Leading the Team

Somewhere clean to sit

Great Teams do great things

Graffiti AFTER

Graffiti BEFORE

Thinking About Speaking From Here!

Death makes me think about life...

I had to perform a funeral this week. They are challenges in one way but in another they are privileges. How many people get to stand with, comfort and support, help farewell and care for a loved one?

No matter which way you look at it, losing a loved one is a tragedy and you NEVER really seem ready for it, especially if the loved one is taken from you suddenly and you are left wondering.

Death makes me think about life, my life. How am I doing? Being a faithful husband, good worker? Productive part of the world? What about the rest of my life? (however long that might be); What about ETERNITY - death makes me think about death too and eternity, God and other stuff. Death invades my life and in a sense forces me to ask questions that I know intuitively are already there but at moments like these they have a voice.

A New Pope

This Monday the Cardinal's begin the process of selecting a new Pope. It's such a significant event for the world, especially the Catholic world. Pope John Paul II was clearly well regarded and respected around the world with the most number of World Leaders EVER attending his funeral.

A choice like this can and will significantly effect the Catholic Church worldwide - a time for wisdom...

Tuesday, April 12, 2005

Waiting in hope for the next generation

People still missing - there is a 0.04% Reunifacation Rate & 53,000 Orphans

Unloading Relief Supplies @ Refugee Camp

Small Gifts - Big Relief

Boyish Anticipation

The eyes are the window to the soul

Days In Aceh

I had the privilege of going to Aceh to connect with Mercy Indonesia and World Releif to assess the possibility of supporting Projects there. it was a stunning experience and difficult to describe on many ways! This picture essay follows: