Thursday, January 27, 2005

There is an Urgency to build your 12

We have really felt strongly that their is a significant urgency to build your 12. When we say urgency it is really important that it an important priority to all of the leaders but not something they rush or are in a hurry about - does that difference make sense? We have to be urgent in building our 12 but not rush it. It does mean it is on the top of our prayer list, ministering to and bringing the formation of Christ into the lives of those God has placed on our hearts to speed up the power of multiplication - BECAUSE THIS WHOLE VISION IS ABOUT SEEING THE MULTITUDES AND THE POWER OF MULTIPLICATION. There is a new book just released that speaks about the 144 being the Key To Multiplication as the 144 is only possible when we each have our 12's So it's off to Discipleship I go...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You two are getting so slammed by God. It is so encouraging to us to hear what is happening and to know that God is moving in your life in a big way. May God continue to build you both so you can come back and build your 12. I thank God for your faithfulness, your obedience and your trust in Him.