Tuesday, January 25, 2005


The first thing that has really hit home is that this vision is about GOVERNMENT, it's about us as a 12 leading the Church and serving the VISION and our PASTORS with great passion and fervency. There are people here who are in the full time workforce and have taken ALL TUESDAY OFF to sow into the Vision of the government of 12 in their own Church - that inspired me. But what hit me more was the Spirit with which they are approaching BEING A GOVERNMENT. We the 12 are the leaders of Shire and we lead our 12's to establish the 144 which establishes GOVERNMENT.

The other thing that has struck me so immediately has been the commonality of LANGUAGE when speaking about The Vision. There is a high degree of synergy and common language usage between the 12 and between people in the G12 Vision - something that creates a strength in the vision. The language reinforces the commitment of those of us in the Vision - it's what we speak and therefore what people hear.

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