Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Capetown to Mpumulanga

After our weekend in Capetown Megan & I flew to Johannesburg and met up with mike and Marie Vlok. I have not seen Mike and Marie since 1991 and that was when they visited Sydney, prior to that it was 1989 in South Africa. They now have 2 of their 3 children living here in Australia.

It was a brilliant reunion and Megan & I both loved the opportunity to spend time with them again. We trekked off early Tuesday morning to the Eastern Transvaal, now known as Mpumulanga, where Mike and Marie have a house of a Game Reserve, Umbabut.

What follows is an extensive array of photos. I chose to put a number in so you can capture the richness of what we saw and experienced in only 3 days! The photos are categorised by animal so you will see Hyena, Elephant, Giraffe, Zebra, Buck, Eagles, and other birds as well. Enjoy the animals and also the magnicent setting we found them in.

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