Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Around The World in 50 Days

We are home now, around the World in 50 Days. What a fantastic trip! I really have loved Blogging to, it is now my Online Journal. Some thoughts:

The world is a great place but people and relationships make it go round

Whoever said take half the clothes and twice the money when talking about traveling was right!

My marriage is richer to have shared this all with Megan.

My world is bigger and relationships broader.

I love and appreciate my family.

I love and appreciate our Church and the team @ Shire

I am glad I am Australian - yesterday the boys went for a Wakeboard and I kissed the water, so clean, warm, inviting, Australian.

I am looking forward to the season ahead of us all

Keep Blogging!


Game Reserve to Witbank

Mike and Marie dropped us off in Witbank, Mpumulanga, for 36 Hours of meeting up with a whole bunch of friends and new experiences.

What a joy to be reconnected with my friends again - I am looking forward to keeping up!

Enjoy my Photo Essay "36 Hours in Witbank"

Welcome to Witbank


Returning after 16 years to the placed I called home in 1989. To my friends, families, brothers and many memories. To show Megan and to show Megan off :)

Visiting was brilliant - reconnecting was even better, enjoy the photos of 36 Hours in Witbank. Posted by Picasa

Witbank - My mate Dylls


Mates in '89; mates now. It was a pleasure to meet up with good friends and Dylan was up there with the best; married now, 4 kids and a supremely fantastic man. Thanks for making the time mate! Posted by Picasa

Witbank - Eddie & Gail Cant


Dylan's Mum & Dad; brilliant people. Made a real effort to pop over and say Hi! Posted by Picasa

Witbank - Len & Sylvia King


Len & Sylvia were my very first host parents when I started to live in Witbank. It was a delight to see them again and to reconnect with stories of the last decade and a half. They hosted Megan & I on this trip as well....some things never change hey. Posted by Picasa

Witbank - Pat Wagner


A joy after 16 years! Posted by Picasa

Witbank - Community Centre


Phyllis took us on a tour of the Township Community and medical Centre she has participated in developing. There was nothing of this kid for the 300,000 residents in the Township and now on this block exists an integrated group of medical, socail and professional services reaching into the Community - Inspiring Phyllis! Posted by Picasa

Witbank - Turning Vision into Action

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Witbank - Community Centre


This mother is leaving the Medical Centre located here in the Witbank Township. Phyllis and a number of groups have put their hand to developing a Community and Medical Centre for the poeple living in the Township. Prior to this being in existence there were no community or medical facilities for the population of over 300,000. TPretoria University now plays a significant part in the medical and dental aspects of the Centre, other services are also located on the site. Posted by Picasa

Witbank - Community Centre


When we passed this cheery old man he was clearing a drain, and loving being part of something. Posted by Picasa

Witbank - Commuity Centre Micro Business


Simon manages a group of people who grow and harvest vegetables as a means of both subsistence and support - he was ecstatic at having visitors and proud of the work, we loved it. Posted by Picasa

Witbank - Township Community Services


I met Simon who is overseeing a workshop that among other things collects, bottles and sells honey. A particular interst for me given our comittment to Mirco Enterprise Development and its capacity to alleviate poverty. What was cool was when my camera came out a couple of more extroverted workers joined in for the snaps. Posted by Picasa

Witbank - The Not So Silent Killer


The AIDS epidemic is huge in this country - again, an issue that is running far ahead of the capacity of the country and the health system to keep up it seems. This warning advertisement is painted in a public place in the Witbank Township. Posted by Picasa

Witbank - Township Fruit Stalls

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Witbank - Township


There are varying standards of housing ranging from newly arrived 'squatters' to people in Government supported housing; like many areas, South Africa has a strong rural urban migration and the infrastructure development can't keep pace. Posted by Picasa

Witbank - Seniors Centre in the Township


A magnificent creation for a fantastic group of people. Phyllis has developed this service recently and it is growing and becoming a significant development for the elderly in the Township in Witbank. A brilliant example of Community transformation. Posted by Picasa

Witbank - Meet Maggie from Capetown


When we walked into the Seniors Centre Maggie strode confidently up to us and promptly smacked Megan on the backside, for a while we tried to figure out whether it was cultural or playful.... Posted by Picasa

Witbank - Aerobics for Grandma


At this recently opened facility they have the resources to help the Elderly, here you are witnessing and ex school teacher take them through their excercise paces Posted by Picasa

Witbank - "Eyes To Die For"


She must have come into the Seniors Centre with her Grandma or Grandpa. Beautiful isn't she! Posted by Picasa

Witbank - Township Seniors Work


This lady was so pumped about getting her photo taken she posed 3 separate times! Posted by Picasa

Witbank - Emily Mahalanga


Emily worked at the Phillips' when I was there - we were both so happy to meet up again! Posted by Picasa

Witbank - Sammy & Emily Mahlanga


Would you believe we have exactly the same photo taken 16 years before with Sammy sitting on Emily's knee doing the thumbs up; We decided that would be unfair to this fantastic 19 year old young man to do that again - It's is hard to explain in words what it's like to reconnect after so many years; My simple summary....The time gap disapears! Posted by Picasa

Witbank - Sidney & Phyllis Phillps


My second host Mum & Dad; love them to pieces! Sid was a total laugh telling story after story to Megan of my year in South Africa....he didn't let the truth get in the way either ;) Posted by Picasa

Witbank - Michael Phillips


Michael is the oldest of the 4 Phillips boys, Jonny his younger brother is who we met up with in London. Posted by Picasa

Witbank - The Boys Are Back In Town


Allen, Rohan & Dylan toggether again after 16 years!! Whoever would have thought? It was great to see my too good mates again after all these years. Posted by Picasa

Witbank - Allen & Paula Raal


School chums from '89; now married, 2 kids and loving life - it was so good to see them going ahead in their life. Posted by Picasa