Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Game Reserve - Tree Frog

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Game Reserve - Elephants Defence


This was amazing - as the Elephants left the water hole the younger males decided to run the Zebra and Wilderbeest off the area - it was no longer there to share. They ganged up on both sets of animals and literally chased them till they ran away. Having accomplished their mission they sauntered off, back into the bush. Posted by Picasa

Game Reserve - Elephant Babies

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Game Reserve - Elephants


We came across 14 Elephants with babies, they all raced down to the water hole for a swim :) Back some way in the distance was a massive Bull Elephant watching over the herd. Posted by Picasa

Game reserve - Giraffe [Mother & Child]

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Game Reserve - Shy Giraffe


This was brilliant, as we moved forward on the road and passed the Giraffe she moved herself behind the tree as if to hide - too cute! Posted by Picasa

Game Reserve - Zebra

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Game Reserve

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Game Reserve - Monitor Lizard

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Game Reserve - The Eagle Series

The next group of photos are dedicated to my Mother in law, Margaret, who has loved Eagles as long as I have know her. And to Pastor John burns whose teaching on Eagles is inspiring many.

Although these photos are amateurish I trust you will be inspired by these magnificent animals.

Game Reserve - Whalberg Eagle [I think]

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Game Reserve - Tawny Eagle

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Game Reserve - Yellow Billed Kite [by Megan Dredge]


Please notice the small piece of food just ahead of the outstretched Kite - Marie threw the food into the air and Megan expertly captured the moment just before the Kite extracted the food from in front of it's nose....talk about table service. Posted by Picasa

Game Reserve - Yellow Bille Kite


This was the Kite's second attempt to grab the food we had placed for him to take - we tried a third with me facing the food rather than standing side on, sadly he had eaten his fill for the day. Posted by Picasa

Game Reserve - Fish Eagle

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Game Reserve - Fish Eagle in Flight


I know this is out of focus bt I was SO excited to capture the bird in take off I wanted to include it anyway! Posted by Picasa

Game Reserve - Tawny Eagle

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Game Reserve - Kudu [Female]

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Game Reserve - Impala

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Game Reserve - Impala "Eyes To Die For" [by Megan Dredge]

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Game Reserve - Waterbuck


The life in the eyes of this beautiful animal really captivated me - I could hardly choose between the many photos I took of this Buck. Posted by Picasa

Game Reserve - Reedbuck

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Game Reserve - Bushbuck

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Game Reserve

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Game Reserve - Yellowed Billed Hornbill


For the Lion King fans amongst us, this is Zazu :) Posted by Picasa

Game Reserve - Woodlands Kingfisher [drying off]

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