Wednesday, July 06, 2005

An Increase In Faith Precedes An Increase

Rohan Dredge
Executive pastor
Shire Christian Centre

In the time I have been in ministry and in with the people I have been ‘doing life’ with faith and the exercising of it has been the key to taking great steps forward for what we have been called to do.

Acts 16:5 (NLT) reads “So the churches were strengthened in their faith and grew daily in numbers.” An increase in faith always precedes and increase in any area of your life.

Here are three ways I have found your faith can increase:

1. Increase in God’s Word

What you feed thrives and what you starve dies. My wife Megan and I have had two herb gardens in our married life, the second is thriving, full of healthy, juicy and good for you herbs – the original suffered from a lack of time, attention and water! What we feed our soul with God’s word thrives, what we starve dies. Take Paul’s encouragement to Timothy and jump into the Word because “it straightens us out and teaches us to do what is right” (2 Timothy 3:16 NLT)

2. Increase In God’s Presence

“Presence changes perspective.” Psalm 73:17 teaches me that, all these things the writer wanted until they “entered the sanctuary of the Lord” then it all fell into place, they got back on top of life instead of the other way round, the end of those that failed to follow God became all too clear, because they went well and deep into the presence of God an increased in faith.

3. Increase In Action

Take your faith out for a ride, take a risk, attempt something significant for God and see that he will time and time again prove he is trustworthy. This is not a stand alone guarantee that no challenge will ever touch you again but I am confident that as your stretch from an increase in faith God shows himself trustworthy every time!

What is on the other side of an increase for in your faith?

© Rohan Dredge 2005

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wonderful thoughts Roh! I'm trying to live that vision every day.