Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Todays Quote

"I sought to hear the voice of God, And climbed the topmost steeple; And God declared 'go down again- I dwell among the people.'"

Billy Murray (Called to teach, White Wing Publishing 1968)

Monday, March 27, 2006

No One Should Die Alone

In reading the The Daily Telegraph today I was reminded of the several elderly people who have died alone in their homes in both Sydney and Melbourne in the past 6 months or so. It grieves me to hear and know that a persons life can END with not one solitary soul noticing they are gone until neighbours either accidently or because of some turn of events find out that the persons life ended some time ago.

In the article I read today the writer says, quoting Detective Tim Marr "We couldn't find a friend or relative anywhere in Australia"

What is happening to real community? What is going on is a persons world that they would die, alone, forgotten, unmissed? We weren't born to live alone and we certainly weren't born to die alone.